External Master’s Theses

[1]   Toni Christopher Vöbel. Fluid flow on centrifugal microfluidic Lab-on-a-Disc systems. Master’s thesis, WZL, RWTH Aachen, Germany, March 2018. MSc by Research.

[2]   Frank Bokeloh. Design and fabrication of a microfluidic platform for Raman spectroscopy based cell diagnostics. Master’s thesis, School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University, Ireland and Technical University Ilmenau, Germany, April 15, 2013. sponsored by DAAD-ERASMUS programme.

[3]   Manjari Jyoti. Microfluidic bacteria capture in a trench towards label-free diagnosis of sepsis (preliminary title). Master’s thesis, University of Delhi, India and Joseph Fourier University, France, July 2012.

[4]   Jérémy Galineau. Emμ: The next generation of separation science. Transfer report, Dublin City University - School of Chemical Sciences, Ireland, October 2009.

[5]   Michael Hartmann. Konzeption, Technologieentwicklung und Charakterisierung neuartiger mikrofluidischer Komponenten in Laminattechnologie. Master’s thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, January 21, 2007.

[6]   Venkatachalam Chokkalingam. Development of microfabrication process and characterisation of a direct glucose biofuel cell. Master’s thesis, TU Hamburg-Harburg / Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, October 2005.

[7]   Markus Dube. Novel assay formats on a centrifugal microfluidic platform: hemoglobin determination – Microarray processing. Master’s thesis, FH Münster (Karin Mittmann) / Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, October 2005.

[8]   Michael Vosseler. Microfluidic sample preparation system for cellular DNA detection. Master’s thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany / UCLA (Chih-Ming Ho, USA), June 2003.

[9]   Bernd Schöberle. Plasma emission microstructures for gas chromatography. Master’s thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germant / Imperial College London (Andreas Manz), UK, December 2002.

[10]   Thilo Brenner. Bubble handling in DNA electrophoresis with nanotraps. Master’s thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany / University of Hongkong (Yitshak Zohar), July 2002.

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